Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So i recorded these songs today day using a sk1. There pretty ruff.... but ok I guess. there all instrumentals and fairly short. enjoy.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I stumbled across this release on rose quartz (love it, follow it now!). These homies are from my hood and it took an eastern states blog to find out about them... any way... apparently one earthling from Shock!Horror! is in this band and it sounds surprisingly good. I won't put the whole thing on here, just one song, you should hunt it down, buy it and help OWLS get off the ground. ERASERS!!!


ps. there's another song on rose quartz

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Unreleased MBV Released = Ectasy (+ wine)

Thanks to the good peeps at shoegazeralive we can enjoy four new unreleased tracks from the best band ever to appear on this earth. Theres abit of debate wheather or not these are all mbv songs or fakes but im pretty sure on first listen they are soild mbv tracks. I am seriously contemplating using my first home owners grant to flight to england to see these guys and gals live at ATP in december, some how i doubt my girlfriend will be on the same page.

New Flaming Lips = Pulsing Erection

So when i heard a new flaming lips double album was due at the end of the year i got a bit of a semi (I felt a bit let down by their last release, plus their playing over east soon and i can't go =(....).

BUT that semi soon exploded into a raging boner after hearing these three songs from Embryonic. I should really paint shop a boner into that picture just to show my excitement but that would be immature of me (ummm... where could it go).

Monday, July 20, 2009